李 鵬 飛 在 立 法 會 的 聲 明
離 開 了 立 法 會 六 年 , 要 返 來 就 要 去 直 選 , 真 係 想 不 到 在 今 天 這 樣 的 情 況 之 下 返 來 。
我 今 日 來 到 立 法 會 , 並 非 自 己 的 意 願 , 我 當 然 知 道 我 要 尊 重 各 位 議 員 的 邀 請 , 我 不 能 不 來 , 有 些 事 情 本 來 我 不 想 講 , 但 是 我 亦 知 道 在 議 事 堂 絕 對 不 能 講 大 話 , 有 些 有 關 中 國 領 導 階 層 與 我 的 對 話 , 請 各 位 議 員 理 解 , 我 要 遵 守 諾 言 , 我 是 不 會 講 出 來 的 。 今 日 來 並 非 要 令 到 有 些 議 員 頭 痕 , 亦 不 是 什 麼 爆 猛 料 , 只 是 有 關 我 停 止 做 《 風 波 裡 的 茶 杯 》 的 事 實 的 陳 述 , 各 位 議 員 可 以 作 出 自 己 的 判 斷 。
當 商 業 電 台 蔡 東 豪 與 梁 文 道 邀 請 我 出 任 《 風 波 裡 的 茶 杯 》 主 持 人 的 時 候 , 他 們 告 訴 我 鄭 經 翰 會 在 5 月 初 離 開 這 個 節 目 , 他 們 希 望 我 可 以 出 任 主 持 至 9 月 底 , 我 當 時 的 回 應 是 要 考 慮 。 其 實 , 我 是 回 想 起 去 年 8 月 初 港 區 人 大 外 訪 內 蒙 時 , 我 被 中 國 領 導 人 教 訓 過 , 雖 然 在 內 蒙 有 單 獨 見 面 詳 談 , 但 記 憶 猶 新 。
在 今 年 3 月 北 京 召 開 人 大 會 議 期 間 , 我 與 我 相 交 多 年 的 北 京 朋 友 們 共 晉 晚 餐 , 他 們 相 告 有 些 人 對 我 身 為 港 區 人 大 代 表 又 出 任 時 事 節 目 主 持 人 很 有 意 見 , 雖 然 我 與 他 們 相 識 很 久 , 他 們 確 認 我 在 香 港 過 渡 時 對 香 港 前 途 的 關 注 和 在 最 重 要 的 時 候 作 出 重 要 的 貢 獻 , 但 是 不 少 人 仍 然 對 我 主 持 節 目 意 見 多 多 , 尤 其 是 《 風 波 裡 的 茶 杯 》 。 我 坦 誠 對 這 些 朋 友 說 中 國 領 導 人 和 他 們 都 應 該 知 道 我 對 民 主 政 制 的 立 場 , 我 認 為 民 主 政 制 是 最 公 開 、 最 公 平 、 最 公 義 和 最 公 正 的 制 度 , 香 港 要 盡 早 實 施 民 主 , 在 香 港 市 民 要 求 有 民 主 的 境 況 下 , 我 希 望 中 央 政 府 盡 快 制 訂 出 普 選 時 間 表 , 香 港 人 要 有 目 標 , 政 黨 要 有 準 備 , 這 樣 才 可 以 共 同 努 力 為 香 港 長 期 安 定 繁 榮 作 的 貢 獻 。
我 的 國 內 朋 友 仍 然 不 時 要 求 我 要 以 大 局 為 重 , 支 持 特 區 政 府 一 切 的 政 策 與 施 政 , 分 歧 就 在 此 中 間 產 生 了 , 所 以 , 今 次 在 我 接 任 《 風 波 裡 的 茶 杯 》 主 持 人 之 前 , 我 向 國 內 的 朋 友 表 達 了 這 個 邀 請 。 我 趁 喬 曉 陽 副 主 任 來 深 圳 開 會 時 , 透 過 人 大 秘 書 處 人 士 向 吳 邦 國 委 員 長 查 問 我 身 為 港 區 人 大 代 表 與 節 目 主 持 人 的 身 份 是 否 有 衝 突 與 矛 盾 ? 因 為 前 2 次 的 經 驗 對 我 來 說 是 很 清 楚 , 而 今 次 得 回 來 的 答 覆 亦 很 清 楚 , 沒 有 任 何 衝 突 與 矛 盾 , 我 有 一 位 國 內 的 朋 友 更 認 為 我 主 持 這 個 節 目 較 鄭 經 翰 更 為 合 適 , 因 為 我 不 會 謾 罵 , 只 會 以 事 論 事 。
在 5 月 3 日 主 持 節 目 之 後 幾 日 , 我 這 位 國 內 的 朋 友 又 再 次 約 我 見 面 , 但 我 拒 絕 了 , 因 為 他 說 是 想 談 論 我 主 持 《 風 波 裡 的 茶 杯 》 的 事 , 我 認 為 沒 有 必 要 再 談 , 我 的 立 場 很 清 晰 , 沒 什 麼 可 以 再 談 ; 我 國 內 的 朋 友 說 : 『 以 我 們 十 多 年 的 交 情 , 難 道 連 朋 友 都 無 得 做 嗎 ? 』 。 我 這 位 國 內 的 朋 友 並 不 是 一 般 的 普 通 朋 友 , 他 在 香 港 過 渡 之 前 曾 安 排 我 往 中 南 海 與 江 澤 民 主 席 見 面 ; 在 過 渡 前 , 我 這 位 朋 友 亦 曾 要 求 我 安 排 中 央 官 員 與 陳 方 安 生 在 香 港 秘 密 見 面 , 會 面 之 後 , 陳 太 去 北 京 訪 問 。 在 陳 太 提 出 請 辭 之 前 , 我 當 時 在 北 京 開 人 大 會 議 , 我 亦 被 國 內 的 朋 友 請 求 我 回 香 港 向 陳 太 查 問 會 否 參 選 第 2 屆 特 區 行 政 長 官 。 我 不 會 亦 不 可 能 說 出 這 位 朋 友 的 名 字 , 我 只 是 想 引 證 給 各 位 議 員 知 道 我 這 位 朋 友 與 我 有 較 為 密 切 的 關 係 , 他 拋 出 一 句 連 朋 友 都 無 得 做 嗎 ? 我 只 好 答 應 再 與 他 見 面 , 在 會 面 中 , 我 一 再 表 示 我 得 到 中 央 很 清 晰 的 訊 息 , 就 是 當 港 區 人 大 代 表 與 當 烽 煙 節 目 主 持 人 是 沒 有 衝 突 和 矛 盾 的 , 他 說 國 內 有 些 人 士 想 與 我 再 見 面 , 我 再 次 拒 絕 , 我 說 我 不 希 望 任 何 人 與 我 談 論 應 該 如 何 去 做 節 目 , 並 且 回 謝 他 們 的 關 心 。
我 與 這 位 朋 友 相 交 多 年 , 我 深 知 他 一 定 會 更 進 一 步 安 排 在 北 京 的 領 導 階 層 見 面 , 因 為 他 曾 經 多 次 提 過 安 排 去 見 新 一 代 的 領 導 人 , 但 是 我 說 我 在 香 港 已 經 不 參 政 , 沒 有 理 由 去 和 他 們 見 面 。
各 位 議 員 , 你 們 都 知 道 英 文 《 中 國 日 報 》 刊 登 點 名 文 章 來 狠 批 我 , 說 我 言 論 踩 過 界 , 違 反 本 身 人 大 的 角 色 , 對 這 篇 文 章 , 我 亦 向 中 方 官 員 查 問 過 , 得 到 的 回 應 這 只 是 讀 者 來 函 , 但 我 知 道 已 經 發 生 什 麼 事 了 。 最 近 , 我 收 到 強 烈 的 中 央 訊 息 , 英 文 《 中 國 日 報 》 那 兩 篇 文 章 不 是 中 央 意 思 , 我 有 足 夠 理 據 相 信 這 是 事 實 。
5 月 18 日 晚 上 10 時 半 , 我 收 到 一 位 自 稱 是 前 中 方 官 員 姓 陳 的 先 生 的 電 話 , 他 說 現 在 已 經 退 休 是 一 位 客 席 教 授 , 他 說 我 們 多 年 未 見 , 現 在 他 身 在 香 港 , 有 事 想 找 我 談 談 。 他 表 示 多 年 前 , 有 一 次 參 加 一 個 時 裝 表 演 , 那 次 的 大 會 司 儀 就 是 我 的 女 兒 , 我 與 太 太 也 是 座 上 客 , 他 說 坐 在 我 太 太 旁 邊 , 他 說 我 太 太 很 賢 淑 , 還 說 我 女 兒 很 漂 亮 , 英 文 很 流 利 , 他 對 她 們 都 留 有 深 刻 的 印 象 。 我 聽 了 他 說 這 些 話 以 後 , 我 就 問 他 來 電 是 不 是 想 說 我 太 太 與 女 兒 的 事 ! 我 說 太 夜 了 , 明 早 要 做 《 風 波 裡 的 茶 杯 》 節 目 , 究 竟 你 有 什 麼 話 想 說 ? 他 說 他 知 道 我 做 節 目 , 他 一 場 來 到 香 港 , 就 是 想 找 我 談 談 。 其 實 , 我 對 這 位 陳 先 生 沒 有 任 何 印 象 , 亦 不 可 以 單 憑 他 在 電 話 中 的 對 話 就 知 道 他 是 不 是 前 中 方 官 員 , 他 當 然 知 道 我 是 《 風 波 裡 的 茶 杯 》 的 主 持 人 , 但 是 他 為 什 麼 要 約 見 我 呢 ? 講 完 電 話 之 後 , 我 在 考 慮 除 了 我 國 內 有 密 切 關 係 的 朋 友 之 外 , 我 相 信 陸 續 會 有 很 多 人 來 找 我 談 談 , 我 到 底 能 夠 拒 絕 幾 多 次 ? 我 又 是 否 可 以 推 卻 什 麼 層 次 的 人 都 不 見 呢 ? 他 們 想 約 見 我 肯 定 想 影 響 我 做 節 目 主 持 , 以 前 已 有 這 種 經 驗 。 去 年 7 月 前 後 , 當 我 暫 代 為 《 風 波 裡 的 茶 杯 》 的 主 持 人 時 , 已 有 多 位 人 士 向 我 表 示 不 滿 , 甚 至 於 要 我 改 變 做 主 持 人 的 風 格 。 這 夜 經 過 很 多 小 時 的 詳 盡 考 慮 , 我 不 想 跟 任 何 人 談 論 如 何 做 節 目 的 事 , 我 知 道 我 不 可 能 改 變 我 做 節 目 主 持 人 的 風 格 , 如 果 改 變 就 對 不 起 商 台 同 香 港 的 聽 眾 , 所 以 , 我 決 定 辭 去 《 風 波 裡 的 茶 杯 》 的 主 持 , 這 也 是 我 請 辭 的 主 要 原 因 。 當 然 , 我 有 其 他 要 考 慮 的 因 素 , 但 那 些 都 是 次 要 的 。
統 戰 部 長 劉 延 東 講 得 好 , 講 得 對 : 家 和 萬 事 興 , 家 和 萬 事 興 是 我 國 古 人 留 給 後 代 的 治 家 格 言 , 家 和 需 要 有 溝 通 、 有 理 解 、 有 包 容 , 中 國 這 個 大 家 庭 的 主 持 人 在 北 京 。 我 想 請 問 為 什 麼 在 這 議 事 堂 中 有 好 多 位 是 香 港 人 選 出 來 的 議 員 , 他 們 沒 有 回 鄉 證 , 不 能 去 祖 國 看 國 家 的 發 展 情 況 , 或 者 去 北 京 溝 通 呢 ? 我 們 大 家 庭 的 主 持 人 到 底 理 唔 理 解 香 港 人 對 民 主 的 訴 求 ? 理 唔 理 解 到 民 主 並 非 港 獨 ? 理 唔 理 解 到 香 港 人 想 投 票 選 我 們 的 領 導 人 ? 中 國 有 句 古 語 「 丞 相 肚 裡 可 撐 船 」 , 我 們 大 家 庭 的 主 持 人 難 道 不 能 包 容 不 同 的 聲 音 , 甚 至 謾 罵 , 鄧 小 平 不 是 講 過 中 國 共 產 黨 不 怕 人 罵 , 中 國 共 產 黨 是 罵 不 倒 的 嗎 ? 現 在 香 港 出 現 了 自 從 1978 年 我 參 政 以 來 從 未 見 過 的 嚴 重 社 會 分 化 , 我 希 望 我 們 大 家 庭 的 主 持 人 辦 到 正 如 劉 延 東 部 長 所 講 「 家 和 萬 事 興 」 , 並 非 採 取 「 非 友 即 敵 」 的 鬥 爭 手 法 , 最 終 會 搞 到 「 家 散 人 亡 」 。 中 國 官 員 跟 我 說 現 在 可 以 返 去 做 《 風 波 裡 的 茶 杯 》 主 持 人 , 我 不 想 一 而 再 、 再 而 三 碰 到 同 樣 的 遭 遇 , 沒 有 人 可 以 告 訴 我 如 何 做 節 目 , 如 果 係 , 我 情 願 不 做 。
最 後 , 我 希 望 向 傳 媒 的 朋 友 說 幾 句 話 : 我 參 政 時 間 比 較 長 , 有 很 多 位 在 10 多 20 年 前 還 是 前 線 記 者 的 朋 友 , 有 些 是 我 親 密 戰 友 張 鑑 泉 的 記 者 朋 友 , 當 年 鑑 泉 坐 在 我 隔 籬 , 時 間 過 得 好 快 , 鑑 泉 已 經 過 世 十 一 年 了 , 真 係 人 生 幾 何 ? 這 班 前 線 記 者 到 了 今 天 已 躍 升 為 各 大 傳 媒 的 主 編 、 總 編 輯 或 社 長 , 當 我 見 到 他 們 服 務 的 機 構 在 我 做 《 風 波 裡 的 茶 杯 》 的 主 持 人 的 時 候 對 我 作 出 大 肆 的 抨 擊 , 我 只 想 他 們 知 道 , 多 年 以 來 , 他 們 應 該 很 了 解 我 的 為 人 與 處 事 作 風 , 我 亦 不 會 因 此 而 不 當 他 們 是 我 認 識 多 年 的 朋 友 。
Friday, May 28, 2004
Monday, May 24, 2004
The final interview of Houllier
This is the final interview of GH as a Liverpool manager.
I am particularly touched by these lines:
Interviewer: You are leaving Liverpool but I guess, Liverpool will never leave you.
GH: (Close to tears) "That is exactly right."
Interviewer: Do you have a final message for the fans whose pride you restored in 2001?
GH: "Keep the faith. Keep supporting the team and the club. That's all I want to say.This is a fantastic club that you support."
I am particularly touched by these lines:
Interviewer: You are leaving Liverpool but I guess, Liverpool will never leave you.
GH: (Close to tears) "That is exactly right."
Interviewer: Do you have a final message for the fans whose pride you restored in 2001?
GH: "Keep the faith. Keep supporting the team and the club. That's all I want to say.This is a fantastic club that you support."
Farewell to a good man
Houllier has left us.
We have some good memories under Houllier, and please don't forget what he has done to the club. Remember the treble season? How Danny Murphy scored that goal at Old Trafford? How Gary McAllister scored that impossible goal from 40 yards in the dying minute at Goodison Park that kick started our season? How Michael Owen two-footed (yes, he scored with his left foot as well) destroyed Arsenal and brought us the FA Cup?
Remember how emotion the Kop were when Houllier returned and guided us to beat Roma? Remember Gerrard rushed 40 yards after scoring the goal vs Sofia?
Some people said Houllier is similar to Tung Chee-Hwa. Simply Rubbish. Tung brought Hong Kong from heaven to hell. Houllier did the opposite. He bring us from hell to heaven, though no yet to the seventh heaven yet.
In summary, I will give Houllier 7 out of 10. He brought us from hell to challenger, it's just he really can't bring us to the Champions. Maybe due to his illness or due to his personality, things just really don't work out as it should be. But credit must be given to him in guiding Gerrard back on to the right track. Without Houllier, Gerrard may be just another David Thompson.
Good luck, Gerard. You'll Never Walk Alone.
Rushian from Red and White Kop has written such a nice piece. Really sums up Houllier's contributions to the club.
We have some good memories under Houllier, and please don't forget what he has done to the club. Remember the treble season? How Danny Murphy scored that goal at Old Trafford? How Gary McAllister scored that impossible goal from 40 yards in the dying minute at Goodison Park that kick started our season? How Michael Owen two-footed (yes, he scored with his left foot as well) destroyed Arsenal and brought us the FA Cup?
Remember how emotion the Kop were when Houllier returned and guided us to beat Roma? Remember Gerrard rushed 40 yards after scoring the goal vs Sofia?
Some people said Houllier is similar to Tung Chee-Hwa. Simply Rubbish. Tung brought Hong Kong from heaven to hell. Houllier did the opposite. He bring us from hell to heaven, though no yet to the seventh heaven yet.
In summary, I will give Houllier 7 out of 10. He brought us from hell to challenger, it's just he really can't bring us to the Champions. Maybe due to his illness or due to his personality, things just really don't work out as it should be. But credit must be given to him in guiding Gerrard back on to the right track. Without Houllier, Gerrard may be just another David Thompson.
Good luck, Gerard. You'll Never Walk Alone.
Rushian from Red and White Kop has written such a nice piece. Really sums up Houllier's contributions to the club.
Wednesday, May 19, 2004
Season report: The disappointing season 2003-04
Let's try to rate every player and then I will do a team of the season at the bottom.
1. Jerzy Dudek - At times he's not playing well (due to lack of back 4 support or confidence?) but in general he is OK, though his position will be in doubt when Kirkland is back. 6.5
2. Stephane Henchoz - Suffered by injury, seems to be getting even slower, did show some form of revival but then get injured again... maybe time to sell... 6
3. Steve Finnan - An OK first season ruined by injuries. Hope he can do much better next season. 6
4. Sami Hyypia - Played much better after he released the captain's armband, but we seen a lot of his high profile mistakes that cost us some points... Need to improve or he will be out, especially if Mexes come and we can have Carragher as center back as well. 6.5
5. Milan Baros - Injured for half of the season, maybe we are not playing him enough or the formation does not fit him, but he always seem to be playing better for Czech than for us. Next season would be tough if Cisse comes. 5.5
7. Harry Kewell - As usual, I think he cannot play for the whole season. Had a really heavy dip after December and never really recover after that. The manager needs to give him a rest some time. He did show some moment of flashes early in the season, but Kewell has the ability to do much better. 6.5
8. Emil Heskey - Finally transferred out to Birmingham. No disrespect for the big man, but he really played one good season for us in the Treble season. His highlights of the season include almost score a hat trick vs Blackburn in the League cup, the Newcastle FA Cup game and also the 2H of the Middlesborough game. Frankly I always think he plays much better without Owen, as he will need to shot and would probably get some goals if you shot enough. From Houllier's track record none of the player he sold play good after played for Liverpool. Good luck to Emil, but just don't play well against us. 6
9. El-Hadji Diouf - No goal for a season... played really hard but it's really like a headless chicken... Need to sell ASAP.... 3
10. Michael Owen - As usual, he seems to be an England player just happened to play for Liverpool. Who cares he is sharp for England in the Euro 04? He is a Liverpool player and is supposed to be played for us! His season is not that good, Of course the injury and the off the field accident of his girlfriend doesn't help, but in general he can do much better, if he is better support by other team members. I frankly do not believe he will leave - at least this season - since his daughter is so young and his girlfriend had that accident. He is a family man and will take care of his family first before anything. 6
11. Vladimir Smicer - He was playing very well early in the season before injury. Maybe the change of shirt number really changes his luck, or it's just this more attacking formation fits him better. Unfortunately he is injured too easily... One strange fact is that in the 4 matches he scored, our result is 1W 3L... 6.5
12. Paul Jones - Earned us a win vs Villa and saved Shearer's penalty when playing for Wolves. These performance send us to CL! Well done Paul! 7
13. Danny Murphy - Disappointed. His form really dropped from last season. But we still need him - at least for the penalty taking and the annual 1-0 win at Old Trafford. 6 (should be 5.5, the extra point is for 1-0 win at Old Trafford).
15. Salif Diao - Amazingly, he did played 15 games and had 2 assists! But he is as worse as Diouf. 3
16. Dietmar Hamann - Suffered from injury and didn't start till December, but he played well afterwards and scored some amazing goals. But he is getting older and slower (if he can ever be slower...) and it's probably time for a change. Would love to see John Welsh challenging Didi's position. 7
17. Steven Gerrard - Man of the season by 1000 miles. He single-hand lifted us to 4th place. Will soon be the best player ever play for Liverpool. He, unlike Owen, is a Liverpool player who happened to play for England. Credits for Houllier in developing Stevie G and guide him away from the bad friends. It's really a touching scene to see Stevie G rushing 40 yards to GH after he scored the goal against Sofia, and also when Stevie G carrying his daughter for the lap of honour after the Newcastle game (wish I can do this in my next life...) The main challenge for Stevie G is to try to keep up the good work for next season. In the past I always think I will support Liverpool and not a player, so if a player leaves, it's OK for me. Not for Stevie G. If he ever leave, I may as well quit supporting Liverpool. And teammates, pleaae don' t let him down. 20 in a scale of 1-10
18. John Arne Riise - Still unable to capture the good form in the 1st season, but is getting there. Seems to be playing better in DML rather than LB, as his defense is not that good. 6
20. Anthony Le Tallec - Shows signs of genius. And he should be better than C Ronaldo. Do challenge for more 1st team experience next season! 7
21. Djimi Traore - Well, whenever he plays people are in doubt, though not as bad as Diouf... 4
22. Chris Kirkland - England's no 1 for sure. Hope his injury problem will get over soon. More reliable than Dudek 7.5
23. Jamie Carragher - For me, he's the runners-up in Liverpool player of the season. Always play 150% for the team and is ready to die for the team as Stevie G. I am really happy he is in the England squad for Euro 04, and really hope Campbell will be injured and he can play for England. Ruined by injury, but he was as reliable after he is back. Can play RB, LB, CB, DM as well. Almost scored some cracking goals, but he will be next season. I really think he will become the 1st team Center back. Many people complained he is slow, especially when marking Henry. But who can mark Henry? Let's see how Gary Neville is going to be fooled by Henry in Euro 04, and you will know that Carra is actually better than Neville. 8
24. Florent Sinama-Pongolle - Another genius player. Always provide hope when he is on the pitch. Need to control his temper though. 7
25. Igor Biscan - Same comment as in Traore. He is a quick player but his positioning is really bad... maybe worse than me... Serious contender to be out of the club.. 4
28. Bruno Cheyrou - His highlight is no doubt the Chelsea game and the Newcastle FA Cup game. Hope to show us more next season. 5
29. Patrice Luzi - Save of the season in the Chelsea game when he substituted Dudek. Future unclear especially with Paul Harrison challenging the 3rd goalkeeper post. 5
32. John Welsh - Played only 10 mins in 3 games... If you have seen him play in the Reserve you will know he's our future to the DM. Hope he can challenge Hamann in the next season.
36. Otsemobor- Played 4 game for us and I think everybody agree he is a good player for the future. 6.5
Manager - Well, it's really a disappointing for us, and I am getting convinced that Houllier should be out. But please, no O'Neill. Would prefer Kenny G (but he won't be back) or Ian Rush, or someone from Overseas like Capello. 5
Team of the season: (4-4-2)
Carragher, Carragher, Hyypia, Carragher,
Gerrard, Gerrard, Hamann, Kewell
Owen, Heskey
Not a typo, but Carragher is really the best player in RB, LB, and CB. And the same apply to Gerrard. For strikers, if not Heskey scored 10+ goals and is leaving, I will just leave the post blank, or put Gerrard there as well.
Players of the season: (1) Stevie Gerrard (2) Jamie Carragher (3) Paul Jones (4) Michael Owen (5) Sami Hyypia (esp for the goal vs Wolves in 90 mins)/Danny Murphy (just for that goal at Old Trafford).
Worst players of the season (aka sell ASAP): (1) El Hadji Diouf (2) Salif Diao (3) Djimi Traore (4) Igor Biscan (5) Emil Heskey (done deal)
1. Jerzy Dudek - At times he's not playing well (due to lack of back 4 support or confidence?) but in general he is OK, though his position will be in doubt when Kirkland is back. 6.5
2. Stephane Henchoz - Suffered by injury, seems to be getting even slower, did show some form of revival but then get injured again... maybe time to sell... 6
3. Steve Finnan - An OK first season ruined by injuries. Hope he can do much better next season. 6
4. Sami Hyypia - Played much better after he released the captain's armband, but we seen a lot of his high profile mistakes that cost us some points... Need to improve or he will be out, especially if Mexes come and we can have Carragher as center back as well. 6.5
5. Milan Baros - Injured for half of the season, maybe we are not playing him enough or the formation does not fit him, but he always seem to be playing better for Czech than for us. Next season would be tough if Cisse comes. 5.5
7. Harry Kewell - As usual, I think he cannot play for the whole season. Had a really heavy dip after December and never really recover after that. The manager needs to give him a rest some time. He did show some moment of flashes early in the season, but Kewell has the ability to do much better. 6.5
8. Emil Heskey - Finally transferred out to Birmingham. No disrespect for the big man, but he really played one good season for us in the Treble season. His highlights of the season include almost score a hat trick vs Blackburn in the League cup, the Newcastle FA Cup game and also the 2H of the Middlesborough game. Frankly I always think he plays much better without Owen, as he will need to shot and would probably get some goals if you shot enough. From Houllier's track record none of the player he sold play good after played for Liverpool. Good luck to Emil, but just don't play well against us. 6
9. El-Hadji Diouf - No goal for a season... played really hard but it's really like a headless chicken... Need to sell ASAP.... 3
10. Michael Owen - As usual, he seems to be an England player just happened to play for Liverpool. Who cares he is sharp for England in the Euro 04? He is a Liverpool player and is supposed to be played for us! His season is not that good, Of course the injury and the off the field accident of his girlfriend doesn't help, but in general he can do much better, if he is better support by other team members. I frankly do not believe he will leave - at least this season - since his daughter is so young and his girlfriend had that accident. He is a family man and will take care of his family first before anything. 6
11. Vladimir Smicer - He was playing very well early in the season before injury. Maybe the change of shirt number really changes his luck, or it's just this more attacking formation fits him better. Unfortunately he is injured too easily... One strange fact is that in the 4 matches he scored, our result is 1W 3L... 6.5
12. Paul Jones - Earned us a win vs Villa and saved Shearer's penalty when playing for Wolves. These performance send us to CL! Well done Paul! 7
13. Danny Murphy - Disappointed. His form really dropped from last season. But we still need him - at least for the penalty taking and the annual 1-0 win at Old Trafford. 6 (should be 5.5, the extra point is for 1-0 win at Old Trafford).
15. Salif Diao - Amazingly, he did played 15 games and had 2 assists! But he is as worse as Diouf. 3
16. Dietmar Hamann - Suffered from injury and didn't start till December, but he played well afterwards and scored some amazing goals. But he is getting older and slower (if he can ever be slower...) and it's probably time for a change. Would love to see John Welsh challenging Didi's position. 7
17. Steven Gerrard - Man of the season by 1000 miles. He single-hand lifted us to 4th place. Will soon be the best player ever play for Liverpool. He, unlike Owen, is a Liverpool player who happened to play for England. Credits for Houllier in developing Stevie G and guide him away from the bad friends. It's really a touching scene to see Stevie G rushing 40 yards to GH after he scored the goal against Sofia, and also when Stevie G carrying his daughter for the lap of honour after the Newcastle game (wish I can do this in my next life...) The main challenge for Stevie G is to try to keep up the good work for next season. In the past I always think I will support Liverpool and not a player, so if a player leaves, it's OK for me. Not for Stevie G. If he ever leave, I may as well quit supporting Liverpool. And teammates, pleaae don' t let him down. 20 in a scale of 1-10
18. John Arne Riise - Still unable to capture the good form in the 1st season, but is getting there. Seems to be playing better in DML rather than LB, as his defense is not that good. 6
20. Anthony Le Tallec - Shows signs of genius. And he should be better than C Ronaldo. Do challenge for more 1st team experience next season! 7
21. Djimi Traore - Well, whenever he plays people are in doubt, though not as bad as Diouf... 4
22. Chris Kirkland - England's no 1 for sure. Hope his injury problem will get over soon. More reliable than Dudek 7.5
23. Jamie Carragher - For me, he's the runners-up in Liverpool player of the season. Always play 150% for the team and is ready to die for the team as Stevie G. I am really happy he is in the England squad for Euro 04, and really hope Campbell will be injured and he can play for England. Ruined by injury, but he was as reliable after he is back. Can play RB, LB, CB, DM as well. Almost scored some cracking goals, but he will be next season. I really think he will become the 1st team Center back. Many people complained he is slow, especially when marking Henry. But who can mark Henry? Let's see how Gary Neville is going to be fooled by Henry in Euro 04, and you will know that Carra is actually better than Neville. 8
24. Florent Sinama-Pongolle - Another genius player. Always provide hope when he is on the pitch. Need to control his temper though. 7
25. Igor Biscan - Same comment as in Traore. He is a quick player but his positioning is really bad... maybe worse than me... Serious contender to be out of the club.. 4
28. Bruno Cheyrou - His highlight is no doubt the Chelsea game and the Newcastle FA Cup game. Hope to show us more next season. 5
29. Patrice Luzi - Save of the season in the Chelsea game when he substituted Dudek. Future unclear especially with Paul Harrison challenging the 3rd goalkeeper post. 5
32. John Welsh - Played only 10 mins in 3 games... If you have seen him play in the Reserve you will know he's our future to the DM. Hope he can challenge Hamann in the next season.
36. Otsemobor- Played 4 game for us and I think everybody agree he is a good player for the future. 6.5
Manager - Well, it's really a disappointing for us, and I am getting convinced that Houllier should be out. But please, no O'Neill. Would prefer Kenny G (but he won't be back) or Ian Rush, or someone from Overseas like Capello. 5
Team of the season: (4-4-2)
Carragher, Carragher, Hyypia, Carragher,
Gerrard, Gerrard, Hamann, Kewell
Owen, Heskey
Not a typo, but Carragher is really the best player in RB, LB, and CB. And the same apply to Gerrard. For strikers, if not Heskey scored 10+ goals and is leaving, I will just leave the post blank, or put Gerrard there as well.
Players of the season: (1) Stevie Gerrard (2) Jamie Carragher (3) Paul Jones (4) Michael Owen (5) Sami Hyypia (esp for the goal vs Wolves in 90 mins)/Danny Murphy (just for that goal at Old Trafford).
Worst players of the season (aka sell ASAP): (1) El Hadji Diouf (2) Salif Diao (3) Djimi Traore (4) Igor Biscan (5) Emil Heskey (done deal)
Friday, May 14, 2004
Well Done Paul Harrison!
Paul Harrison will be the substitute goalkeeper as Luzi was injured.
Paul was almost thrown out of the club in March but because of his attitude he get an one-year contract extension. His father was killed in the Hillsborough tragedy, 15 years ago when Paul was only 4, and it's really great to see one of the Hillsborough orphan to florish.
Let's hope we can wrap up the game in time and Houllier can reward Paul with some first team experience. The Kop would love to see this.
Paul was almost thrown out of the club in March but because of his attitude he get an one-year contract extension. His father was killed in the Hillsborough tragedy, 15 years ago when Paul was only 4, and it's really great to see one of the Hillsborough orphan to florish.
Let's hope we can wrap up the game in time and Houllier can reward Paul with some first team experience. The Kop would love to see this.
Sinama-Pongolle's new haircut
Sinama-Pongolle and Le Tallec are both a bit crazy with their haircut, but at least if they will behave well on the pitch, then it's OK. Still little kids...
Thursday, May 13, 2004
Thanks Stevie G
Steven Gerrard, captain of Liverpool:
"Over the season we've shown we've got a squad that can beat anyone on its day. But on the day isn't enough. We've got to produce week in, week out, and we haven't done it. Challenging for the title is about performing throughout the season from start to finish."
We can afford to let any player go, even Owen, but not Gerrard. Without him, we will definitely be unable to challenge 4th place this season. Gerrard is simply irreplaceable.
One of the biggest archievement of Houllier is to turn Gerrard from a good player to an excellent player. Without Houllier publicly critizing Gerrard in 2002, Gerrard may not be as good as he is now.
As Kenny Daglish said: "The best honour Stevie could have been given this season was the Liverpool captaincy."
Thanks Stevie G, you are the worthwhile captain of Liverpool Football Club. Let's fight for the Championship of Premiership next year!
"Over the season we've shown we've got a squad that can beat anyone on its day. But on the day isn't enough. We've got to produce week in, week out, and we haven't done it. Challenging for the title is about performing throughout the season from start to finish."
We can afford to let any player go, even Owen, but not Gerrard. Without him, we will definitely be unable to challenge 4th place this season. Gerrard is simply irreplaceable.
One of the biggest archievement of Houllier is to turn Gerrard from a good player to an excellent player. Without Houllier publicly critizing Gerrard in 2002, Gerrard may not be as good as he is now.
As Kenny Daglish said: "The best honour Stevie could have been given this season was the Liverpool captaincy."
Thanks Stevie G, you are the worthwhile captain of Liverpool Football Club. Let's fight for the Championship of Premiership next year!
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